Following a year of continous growth intoPIX s.a., the leading provider of JPEG 2000 core technologies, has announced its move into new offices.
Reflecting high demand for its innovative range of single chip JPEG 2000 IP's launched during 2006, the move brings together intoPIX sales and marketing management with an enlarged R&D department to ensure the highest level of team coordination and customer service as the company continues to expand.
Comments Jean-François Nivart intoPIX s.a. CEO "Our move enables us to maximize on the tremendous potential for JPEG 2000 technology across a wide range of audiovisual and imaging industries. Bringing the team together will significantly benefit the service to our customers and trade; and our new offices also provide an excellent centre of operations for intoPIX coordination of European EDCine project managed by UCL"
intoPIX completes its move to the Place de l'Université, 16, 1348 Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium on 23nd February from when its new telephone number will change to +32 (0)10 23 84 70
About intoPIX
intoPIX develops and markets handling tools for large data stream with intrinsic high value with special regard to pictures having value in their quality, security and authoring rights.
Based in Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium, intoPIX was established in 2005 following a decision taken in 2001 by the Catholic University of Louvain (UCL) to direct the activities of its Electronic, Cryptographic and Image Compression laboratories towards the provision of JPEG2000 compression solutions.
intoPIX’s world leading competences include FPGA and software engineering, JPEG2000 image compression and symmetric-asymmetric security.