intoPIX News

Media Links Launches New High-Density 3G-SDI / 3D / DVB-ASI IP Transmission Card Solutions Powered by intoPIX JPEG2000 Technology

November 12, 2012, interBEE 2012, Japan – intoPIX, the leading provider of JPEG 2000 compression and security solutions, and Media Global Links, leading developer and manufacturer of broadcast network infrastructure solutions under the Media Links brand name, today announced that the Media Link...

11.01.18 11:22 AM - Comment(s)
intoPIX JPEG2000 technology selected for integration in the new “4K Gateway” product of Visual Unity

Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium and Prague, Czech Republic – intoPIX, the leading provider of JPEG 2000 compression solutions, and Visual Unity, an international Systems Integrator providing turnkey solutions for the broadcast and film industry, today announced their strategic collaboration in Visual...

11.01.18 11:19 AM - Comment(s)
intoPIX announces the release of the World First JPEG 2000 UHDTV 4K & 8K codecs integrated in a single chip 28nm FPGA

Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium, 201 – intoPIX, the leading provider of JPEG 2000 compression solutions, announces today the launch of a new generation of UHDTV codecs to answer the growing interest of the audiovisual industry for 4K and 8K resolutions.

11.01.18 11:16 AM - Comment(s)
intoPIX JPEG2000 encoding technology integrated in the new CineMaster-Pro DCP creator produced by LEONIS Cinema.

Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium and Beijing, P.R. China, 2012 - intoPIX – the leading provider of JPEG 2000 compression solutions – and LEONIS Cinema – a major equipment provider for the digital cinema industry in Asia – today announced their strategic collaboration in the CineMaster-Pro DCP creator ...

11.01.18 11:11 AM - Comment(s)
intoPIX and AXON build on successful collaboration

Amsterdam, RAI, 07 September 2012 – On its stand at IBCAXON Digital Design (10.A21), a leading provider of modular broadcast systems will introduce its first product in the range of JPEG2000 enabled broadcast products. This product, the HLD100, a High Definition version of the previously...

11.01.18 11:10 AM - Comment(s)
NTT-AT and intoPIX sign an agreement on 4K interoperability based on the JPEG 2000 Broadcast Profile (15444-1:2004/Amd.3:2010[E])

Tokyo, Japan, 2012 - Following the recent adoption of intoPIX JPEG 2000 compression solution by NTT-AT, intoPIX and NTT-AT signed today an agreement on 4K interoperability based on the new JPEG 2000 Broadcast Profile to ease the 4K adoption in the Broadcast & Video Production market.

The Broadcas...

11.01.18 11:00 AM - Comment(s)
D-Cinema High Frame Rate & High Bit Rate Test Equipment and Test Series

Image Matters, intoPIX, MikroM and Virident collaborate beyond the state of the art. The target is a series of tests on June 7 and 8 2012 in Burbank CA, coordinated by Michael Karagosian of MKPE Consulting, and cinematographers Kommer Kleijn SBC and David Stump ASC, as co-chairs of the SMPTE 21DC St...

11.01.18 10:56 AM - Comment(s)
Fraunhofer and intopix present DCP creation with real-time JPEG 2000 coding

The most time-consuming part of DCP processing is the encoding and decoding of image files to and from standard compliant JPEG 2000 files. The easyDCP creator typically uses the computational power of CPUs in multiple threads for the creation of digital cinema packages. Also the CURATOR software of ...

11.01.18 10:51 AM - Comment(s)
intoPIX and AXON announce their collaboration on a new series of JPEG 2000 enabled products

Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium, 2012 - intoPIX – the leading provider of JPEG 2000 compression solutions – and AXON – leading provider of modular broadcast systems - announced today their collaboration in creating a range of new JPEG 2000 enabled broadcast products.

11.01.18 10:46 AM - Comment(s)
intoPIX enhances its JPEG 2000 IP-cores with the support of the new Broadcast profile

Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium, 2012 - intoPIX – the leading provider of JPEG 2000 compression solutions – announced today the release of its new generation of JPEG 2000 FGPA IP-cores supporting the Broadcast profile (JPEG 2000 Part 1 Amd 3 – Profiles for Broadcast Application - ISO/IEC 15444-1:2004...

11.01.18 10:43 AM - Comment(s)